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Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Wednesday 5/5/2010

Right arm Thruster
Left arm Thruster
Chest to Bar Pull-ups

Post time to comments.


  1. well did "Barbara" down here in Dallas at the Four Seasons. Wasn't the same without all the yelling. And did some POSE training :) Figured I would get one good WOD in because the next two days are out. See you guys Friday!!

  2. You mean all the yelling and country music, right? And what is all of this the next two days are out nonsense? You need to get ready for the Colorado Open in September.

  3. Ha. if i wasn't working 14 hour days all week I'd totally be up for it. I'm gonna try and go Friday night after i get in :) i'll be ready for Sepetember. Sign me up for an unlimited pkg on friday!
